The Quran:
"They ask you about the waxing and waning phases of the crescent moons, say they are to mark fixed times for mankind and Hajj." (2:189).
"And He who made the night for rest and sun and moon for reckoning of time. This is the decree of the Exalted, the All-Knowing." (6:96).
"Allah is He, who created the sun, the moon, and the stars (all) governed by laws under His commandment."(7:54).
"The number of months in the sight of Allah is twelve (in a year) so ordained by Him the day He created the heavens and the earth; of them four are sacred; that is the straight usage…… Verily the transposing (of a prohibited month) is an addition to unbelief: the unbelievers are led to wrong thereby: for they make it lawful one year and forbidden another year in order to adjust the number of months forbidden by Allah and make such forbidden ones lawful. The evil of their course seems pleasing to them. But Allah guideth not those who reject faith." (10:5).
"Allah is He who raised heavens without pillars that you can see' Then He established Himself on the throne; And He subjected the sun and the moon (to his law); each one runs its course for a term
appointed." (13:29)
Allah created Sun and moon, and He made them subject to you:
"It is Allah Who hath created the heavens and the earth and sendeth down rain from the skies…He has made subject to you, the night and the day; the sun and the moon; and the stars in subjection by His command." (14:32-33).
"He has made subject to you, the night and the day; the sun and the moon; and the stars in subjection by His command."(16:12).
"See you not that Allah bow down in worship all things in the heavens and on earth, the sun, the moon, the stars." (22:18).
"Blessed is He who made constellations in the skies, and placed therein a lamp and a moon reflecting light (25:61).
If indeed thou ask them Who has created the heavens and the earth and subjected (to His Law), they will certainly reply, "Allah". How are they then deluded away (from the truth)? (29:61).
"See you not Allah merges night into day and day into night: And subjected the sun and the moon (to His Law); each one runs its course for a term appointed." (31:29). "He merges night into day and day into
night; And subjected the sun and the
moon (to His Law); each one runs its course for a term appointed." (35:13).
"And the moon, we have measured for her mansions (to traverse) till she returns like the old, (withered, and curved-up like a sickle) date-palm. It is not permitted for sun to catch-up the moon, nor can the night outstrip the day; each swims along in (its own) orbit." (36:39-40).
"He created heavens and the earth in true proportions; He makes night overlap day and day overlap night and subjected the sun and moon (to His Law); each one runs its course for a term appointed." (39:5).
The beloved Prophet (PBUH)
said, "See the moon and commence fasting and see the moon and end fasting
(make Eid) and if the skies are overcast, then complete the counting of thirty
Ibn Umar reported, I heard the beloved Prophet (PBUH) saying, "When you see the crescent (of the month of Ramadan), start fasting, and when you see the crescent (of the month of Shawwal), stop fasting; and if the sky is overcast (and you can't see it) then regard the crescent (month) of Ramadan (as of 30days, in other words complete 30 days)" (Bukhari).
Abdullah bin Umar reported
that the Prophet (PBUH) said, "The month (can be) 29 nights (i.e. days), and do not fast till you see the moon, and if the sky is overcast, then compete Shaban as thirty days." (Bukhari).
Abu Hurayrah reported that
the Prophet (PBUH) said, "Start fasting on seeing the crescent (of Ramadhan), and give up fasting on seeing the crescent ( of Shawwal), and if the sky is overcast (and you cannot see it), complete thirty days of Shaban." (Bukhari).
Huzayfah reported that the Prophet (PBUH) said, "Do not fast (for Ramadhan) before the coming of the month until you sight the moon or complete the number (of thirty days); then fast until you sight the moon or complete the number (of thirty days). (Abu Dawood).
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