Tuesday, August 28, 2012

MasjidNabwi Masjid Addaas in Taif

Alhamdolillah that the garden where Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam took shelter in TAIF is still known, & within the garden, there is a small Masjid by the name of Addaas Radi Allaho Anh. It is said that Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam ate the grapes at this location & Allah Knows the best.
Garden comes hardly 450 meters before Masjid Al-Kou' (on Tareeq Wadi Wajj), & it is has a beautiful plantation with Pomegranates, figs, raspberries & some vegetables like Zucchini, egg-plant, etc.
We prayed 2 Rak'ah at the Masjid & we were lucky enough to be offered some pomegranates from the garden.
GPS coordinates are  21° 15' 26.00" N   40° 23' 28.00" E

Members are requested to give full respect to our beloved Prophet Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Him) and requested to write full salutation.

"My Lord! truly, I'm in need of whatever good that You bestow on me!" Quran Sura Al Qasas)

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